Ocean Optics Expands Jaz Software Options

11 Mar 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Ocean Optics, the industry leader in miniature photonics, has increased the usability and flexibility of its Jaz modular optical sensing platform with two new software options, the Jaz-IRRAD for irradiance measurements and the Jaz Scripting Language for building custom applications.

The modular design of the Jaz family allows it to be customized for a range of applications in field, lab or process environments. With the new software options, users will be able to further tailor measurements to their requirements, without any special programming knowledge.

With Jaz absolute irradiance measurement software, customers can calculate characteristics such as color temperature, spectral intensity and color space values. Jaz allows users to capture, process and store full spectral data of LEDs, radiant sources and the sun -- without the need for a PC.
The Jaz Scripting Language offers nearly endless possibilities for creating custom applications. This powerful tool is simple enough for non-programmers to build measurement sequences into a self-contained application. Operations such as measuring the sugar content of a liquid, or expressing reflected color in colorspace values such as L*a*b* can be designed and tested on a PC and loaded onto the Jaz for execution.

To see the power of these new software tools, visit Ocean Optics in booth 1501 at Photonics West. Additionally, more information is available at by following the company website link on the right hand side of the screen.

