OGT Signs Deal for Commercialization of Colorectal Cancer Biomarker Test

22 Feb 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Oxford Gene Technology (OGT) announced today that it has entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with Inven2, the University of Oslo (UiO), and the technology transfer office at Oslo University (OUS), for 12 promising colorectal cancer tissue biomarkers.

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in women (behind breast), and the 3rd most common cancer in men (behind prostate and lung). The prognosis for patients is much improved if this form of cancer is detected at an early stage. Early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer through screening has caused an unprecedented reduction in incidence and death rates.

The primary screening tool for colorectal cancer in the UK is the fecal occult blood test. The test is based on determining the presence or absence of blood in a patients stool sample. Although the test does not diagnose colorectal cancer, a positive test will result in further evaluation of the patient. However, colorectal cancer is not the only reason for the presence of blood in the stools. For every 10 people who undergo a colonoscopy based on a positive result, 7 will go on to have a normal result, causing unnecessary concern to the patient and cost implications to the NHS.

There is a need for appropriate screening or surveillance programmes for the early detection of cancer. Interest has been growing around the investigation of biomarkers present in patients who suffer from colorectal cancer (aberrant hypermethylation of CpG islands).

“This licensing agreement gives OGT exclusive access to genetic markers which are associated with colorectal cancer.” stated Mike Evans, CEO, of OGT. “We believe that developing tests that include these genetic markers will permit the earlier identification of patients at risk of this disease and allow for more timely diagnosis and clinical interventions.” He added, “The higher specificity of this new panel of markers could provide a more robust screening tool than the tests currently used, while eventually lowering overall costs, which would be of significant benefit for both patients and the clinicians using them.”

The exclusive agreement will allow OGT to commercialize any resulting test developed using 12 highly promising DNA methylation biomarkers which were developed in the laboratory of Professor Ragnhild A. Lothe, in the department of Cancer Prevention, the Norwegian Radium Hospital, part of the Oslo University Hospital.

