Olympus Analysers Make an Impact in Russia

29 Mar 2009
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Processing more than 10 million clinical chemistry tests in 2008, the laboratory at the City Children’s Polyclinic #121 in Moscow is the biggest clinical laboratory in Russia. Since the installation of an Olympus AU2700 in 2004, the lab has seen faster turnaround of results, enhanced reliability and a subsequent increase in staff confidence. Now, due to an increase in workload and the excellent performance of the AU2700, the lab has installed a new AU5400 high throughput clinical chemistry analyser.

The City Children’s Polyclinic #121 laboratory collects both adult and paediatric samples for analysis from several polyclinics in the South administrative District of Moscow. Since the centralisation of laboratory testing in Moscow came into force two years ago, the laboratory has seen a large increase in the quantity of samples it receives. With contracts with 120 medical institutions across the South administrative District requiring next day results, the laboratory originally invested in an AU2700 analyser from Olympus for increased sample throughput and efficiency.

Since the AU2700 has proved so reliable and a higher throughput analyser was required to manage increasing workloads, the laboratory in Moscow has now chosen to install an Olympus AU5400 analyser. It is hoped that 3 million clinical chemistry tests will be run on the new AU5400 alone.

From the moment of installation, the Olympus analysers have become the preference of the laboratory assistants due to their ease of use and comfortable design. Analyser downtime, assistant workloads and stress have all decreased due to Olympus’ superior reliability and customer support.

As one of the first institutions in Russia to install Olympus analysers, City Children’s Polyclinic #121 is extremely happy with the improvements to workflow and productivity that the Olympus systems have generated. Now the lab can rely on its two fastest and most reliable instruments, the AU2700 and AU5400, to manage the bulk of its samples.

