Olympus Europa to Present the Ultimate Level of Flexibility for Clinical and Research Microscopes

25 Feb 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

This year Olympus will be showcasing the latest innovations in microscopy, including the newest range of upright life science microscopes: The BX3 microscopes enable users to obtain a system that is truly customisable and 'built by your needs'.

Olympus provides a range of products for clinical, research and industrial applications. From microscopes for training and routine tasks to high-end system solutions in the fields of life and materials science, there is a system for every need. At our booth you will see the latest innovations: the BX43 clinical imaging system, the BX46 ergonomic screening microscope, BX63 motorised microscope with DP72 camera (part of the BX3 range), as well as the CX21LED clinical microscope, the SZX10 research stereo microscope, and the IX51 inverted microscope for IVF applications.

