Omega Optical Launches Enhanced Curv-O-Matic Filter/Fluorophore Database

4 Apr 2007

Omega Optical has just upgraded its web-based Curv-o-matic™, an interactive database containing spectral curves of filters, filter sets, and fluorophores. At the core of the web application is an extensive product offering of excitation, dichroic, and emission filters and filter sets for fluorescence detection that are correlated with fluorophores in order to visualize optimal performance.

Upgrades to Curvomatic include the addition of light source data for arc lamps, lasers, and LEDs, and the addition of new fluorophores, especially fluorescent proteins and quantum dots. Functionality has also been improved with enhanced search features and the ability to choose up to three fluorophores at one time.

Curvomatic currently contains information on more than 500 filter components, 200 filter sets, and approximately 300 fluorophores, fluorescent proteins, and quantum dots. Filter data is available to download as an ASCII file. In addition, all filters in the database are tied into an e-commerce store.

Curvomatic is the most popular page on Omega Optical’s website, providing researchers and optical engineers with instantaneous filter and fluorophore reference information that can be utilized in optical instrument and experimental design.

Additional product lines, such as flow cytometry, laser, Raman spectroscopy, photolithography, and astronomy are scheduled to be added to Curvomatic in the near future. Also, standard catalog products such as bandpass, longpass, shortpass, and neutral density, beamsplitters, mirrors, and rejection band filters will be added.

