Omega Optical’s QuantaMAX™: Durable/Stable/High Signal-to-Noise Fluorescence Filter Sets

6 Sept 2006

Omega Optical, a pioneer of fluorescence filter technology for fluorescence microscopy and instrumentation since 1969, is launching QuantaMAX™, a new product line of durable, environmentally stable, high signal-to-noise filter sets, at the Society for Neuroscience’s annual conference in Atlanta on October 14-18.

The initial product line includes five high throughput sets and is the latest in a long line of microscopy filter set innovations from Omega. Features include durable surface coatings, environmental stability, high signal-to-noise, zero pixel shift, and an industry unique five year warranty.

High signal, or transmission, is often represented as the only characteristic of filter set performance that matters, but low noise is equally important. In reality, high signal-to-noise is the dimension of performance that is the most critical. With this in mind, Omega designed QuantaMAX filter sets with deep blocking to the limits of CCD detection at 1150nm on both the excitation and emission filters. This strategy keeps the background extremely low and greatly enhances signal-to-noise, a critical factor especially in confocal, multiphoton, and live cell applications where photons are scarce and exposure times are critical.

In addition, QuantaMAX filter sets utilize state-of-the-art EP coatings (Energetic Process) which are spectrally stable, mechanically robust, and insensitive to moisture. The coatings in these sets are dense and hygrophobic, resulting in stability and long filter life in the harshest environments. While surface coatings are hard enough to be exposed, they can still be accidentally damaged, resulting in filter failure. To prevent this from happening these sets utilize a multi-substrate, air-spaced assembly that protects the critical coatings from the dangers of handling and mechanical abrasion in routine lab usage.

Omega Optical also offers an extensive selection of fluorophore-specific filter sets for single and multi-labeling microscopy applications which set the standard for bright signal and high signal-to-noise in demanding imaging applications. Included in the product line are sets for Fluorescent Proteins, Quantum Dots, FRET, M-FISH, Ratio Imaging, Confocal, and Multiphoton applications. Rapid delivery, superior technical support, and long filter life complement Omega’s product offering. All filter sets are available online and in Omega’s catalog Precision Optical Filters for Fluorescence Microscopy.

