On-line analysis of Spring and Mineral Water

12 Oct 2008
Student / Graduate

The Alert Colorimeter from Metrohm has a unique method for the testing of Manganese in spring and mineral waters.

Manganese is naturally occurring in many spring and mineral waters at much higher levels than permissible. This is removed by treatment with Ozone and settling.

If allowed to get through to the bottling plant, the Manganese can cause discolouration and tainting of the water.

The Alert Colorimeter for Manganese uses the unique Differential Absorbance Colorimetry (DAC) methodology to prevent background sample colour or turbidity adversely affecting the analysis. The working range is 10 – 100 µg/l with a cycle time of around twenty minutes.

The running costs are kept to a minimum by low reagent use, typically 1 ml per analysis for each reagent, and minimal consumables.

The Alert can be configureed for continual operation, with warning beacons as well as feedback to the process.

For further information please contact Metrohm UK Ltd Tel 01280824824, or Email your requirements to enquiry@metrohm .co.uk
