On-line Demonstration of Direct Mercury Analysis

3 Feb 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

QUANTITECH, the Milton Keynes based supplier of environmental monitoring instrumentation, has published a short video showing a new mercury analysis technology that demonstrates the speed and simplicity that is now possible in the analysis of both liquid and solid samples.

The video can be viewed via the company article webpage link.

Performed by Dr. Gareth Pearson, Quantitech's Product Specialist, the video illustrates how results can be achieved within 5 minutes per sample without the need for any laborious or hazardous sample preparation.

Commenting on the technique Gareth says, "The Hydra C platform allows the analyst to simply weigh his samples and run. The instrument is capable of fully automated, unattended operation to free up the analyst’s time and increase laboratory productivity.”

