On-line Industrial Near Infrared Spectroscopy

29 May 2006
Kerry Parker

Two new models of on-line NIR spectrophotometers from NIR-Online® are now available in the UK from Analytik Ltd.

  • X-One is a compact and rugged NIR spectrophotometer unit equipped with automatic internal referencing and a dual light source. Diode array detectors are used to provide simultaneously measured data across the complete spectral range of the instrument, typical measurement time being just 30 milliseconds. X-One is easy to install, suitable for almost any environment and has no limitation of application. It has BlueTooth™ connectivity up to 100 metres or RS422 up to 2 kilometres and stainless steel housing to IP65 specifications.
  • X-Two has an additional high resolution CCD camera to facilitate assessment of colour and structural properties. Thus it can measure, record and monitor both chemical and visible physical properties.
  • SX-Center is a single software package that fulfils your complete monitoring requirements. Communication with up to 4 X-One and/or X-Two units is possible, with managed recipes, control of mixtures, target values and tolerance limits, and automatic process documentation. SX-Centre is easy to use and provides simple integration of measured values and process information, and the automatic process documentation provides 100% traceability of production.

Optimise your process, avoid rejects, minimise usage of high cost materials, and standardise finished product for commercial success! For a brochure on X-One, X-Two and SX-Centre near infrared spectroscopy from NIR-Online® and details on other unique spectroscopy solutions, contact Analytik Ltd.

