On-Line Organic Pollution Control from AstraNet

1 Sept 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

AstraNet Systems Ltd has made new installations of AstraGuard, its organic water pollution control system. This on-line spectrometer ensures immediate action can be taken to maintain control of water quality while also protecting valuable equipment.

Naturally occurring and human-influenced pollution can lead to a rapid increase in the organic content of surface waters. AstraNet state that their system, based on the UV absorbance of the water at 254nm, gives a more rapid indication of organic pollution than other methods that were primarily developed for laboratory analyses. With no moving parts and a rugged and durable optical system AstraNet also claim that their installations require little maintenance and have been proven as intake protection devices in many locations; including installations in all the treatment plants around the largest fresh water lake in the UK.

As well as the organics indicated at 254nm the AstraNet system outputs the absorbance at up to three other wavelengths enabling background colour and turbidity to be monitored. Enhanced sensitivity is offered by the long path length flow cell that has windows which are easily de-mounted for cleaning. The fibre optic link from the flow cell to the instrument enables flexibility in location and ease of access to all parts of the system.

Stand alone logging or control through SCADA/PLC systems is supported, following a set-up of sampling rate and wavelengths, continuous, unattended operation can be instigated.

