On-line Titration Process Analyser ADI 2040

28 Oct 2008
Student / Graduate

Applikon is one of the few manufactures of On-line Titration Process Analysers. These analysers produce a continuous stream of accurate and precise results providing operators with a real-time insight into the chemical environs of their manufacturing process:

• Endpoint Titration (SET)

• Inflection Point (MET)

• Dynamic Endpoint (DET)

• Karl Fischer Titration

Automatic Validation.
They have an automatic validation option, which can be programmed to occur as part of the analysis cycle eg. one validation per 20 sample analysed or when a result is outside a predefined range.

Multiple Sample Streams
Applikons ADI 2040 model is able to process multiple sample streams. The actual number of streams is dependent on the type and number of analyses the machine is configured to perform. For a simple titration up to 40 streams could be analysed in sequence.

Corrosion Resistance & Explosion Proofing
Titrolyzers are corrosion resistant; the wet-part is made of polystryene. The electronics are housed in an airtight metal casing, which can be air purged. The ADI 2040 can also be made explosion proof.

Low Maintenance
Titrolyzers typically have up-times of over 99%. The reason for this is the analyser has a small number of moving parts; there is limited contact time with the sample and the reaction vessel is thorough rinsed after each analysis.

Low Reagent Consumption
Generally Titrolyzers only use 1L of reagent per month. This is due to their small reaction cell size and batch-wise operation.
