On-the-go Medical Imaging Courses for Healthcare Providers

20 Jan 2017
Mia Harley

Siemens Healthineers adds 1,000 imaging courses to PEPconnect online learning platform. Expanded platform provides customers with virtual anywhere/anytime access to education and real-time performance support materials via any device.

Siemens Healthineers has expanded its online learning platform PEPconnect (Personalized Education Plan) by about 1,000 new learning modules for medical imaging. Effective immediately, physicians and medical technology assistants can use PEPconnect to access training courses on Siemens Healthineers systems for imaging and minimally invasive therapy in seven different languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Korean and Japanese). Previously, the training and professional development offered by PEPconnect focused mainly on laboratory diagnostics. The new modules for imaging now bring the number of learning modules on the platform to 7,000.

"The goal of the new strategic orientation of Siemens Healthineers is to help healthcare providers around the world meet their current challenges and excel in their respective environments," said Dr. Janina Beilner, Vice President of Application Services at Siemens Healthineers. "Training, education and professional development are important elements in this process to support highest patient satisfaction, best clinical outcomes and optimized workflows. In almost every country customers tell us about a shortage of medical personnel and that training budgets are also tight. That's why it's a challenge for hospitals and practices to send their employees to training centers for courses. We understand these pain points and PEPconnect gives all users a personalized learning experience anywhere and on any device. Because there are no travel or accommodation costs involved, we can help our customers train more efficiently while curbing costs."

PEPconnect is a personalized education and performance experience for the healthcare professional, designed by experts in application design, instructural technology and info- security at Siemens Healthineers. With optimized technology and increased search capabilities, PEPconnect allows customers to access education and real-time performance support virtually anytime, anywhere, and on any device, including PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Learners can also construct a learning experience personalized to their needs, and share their learning experience with others — whenever and wherever they need it.

"In 2011, we launched PEP with a bold vision of creating a global platform for the healthcare customer for education, clinical excellence and performance growth. Although the solution has evolved with PEPconnect to meet the changing market and technologies, the same singular vision remains. Siemens Healthineers will continue to evolve our solutions. In the coming months, the full commercialization of the platform and the launch of a virtual social enterprise will further smarter connections of people to knowledge and enable our customers to achieve better patient outcomes," stated William Magagna, Head of Virtual Education Solutions at Siemens Healthineers.

