On the spot HIV screening

12 Jul 2007

It is estimated that there were 4.3 million new cases of HIV in 2006 and half a million of these were children under 15 years old1. Around 40 million people worldwide are now living with HIV/AIDS2, so early detection and treatment of HIV 1 and 2 remains critical in improving survival rates and reducing transmission, especially to the unborn child. Point-of-care testing is therefore recommended for all healthcare settings, including emergency rooms and prenatal clinics, where HIV carriers could potentially present. With their new Clearview Complete HIV 1/2 kit, Inverness Medical makes screening and follow-up easier than ever before for healthcare professionals.

Uniquely, everything needed is included in one sealed easy-to-use test pack for sampling, testing and analysing the sample – test, reagent, lancet and even the bandage (elastoplast). Clearview Complete HIV 1/2 screens for HIV 1 and 2 antibodies in whole blood, serum or plasma using proven lateral flow technology. The high sensitivity of the test kit delivers reliable results in as little as 15 minutes. This means the patient is still present when results appear enabling rapid follow-up and counseling if required.

Clearview Complete HIV 1/2 kits have a shelf life of 24 months and can be stored at room temperature.

1. UNAIDS, 2006 AIDS Epidemic Update
2. World Health Organisation

