Online Immunofluorescence Guide for Autoimmune Disease Diagnosis

16 May 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

ORGENTEC Diagnostika has announced that its Immunofluorescence Guide for the Modern Autoimmunity Laboratory will be available as a free ebook from now on. The online reference work features numerous pictures of immunofluorescence patterns and is accessible from the ORGENTEC Diagnostika website. No login or registration is required to access the guide.

The guide features carefully selected and brilliant pictures of the typical indirect immunofluorescence patterns of common autoantibodies, from antinuclear antibodies (ANA) on Hep-2 cells, to detection of autoantibodies on tissue sections from rats. Compact notes provide useful indications on how test results should be interpreted.

Authoress of the online reference work is Barbara Fabian of the GRÜNE CLUB AUTOIMMUN, who accounts for the photographs to this cost-free digital book as well. The Online Immunofluorescence Guide for the Modern Autoimmunity Laboratory is available in English and in German.

Modern indirect immunofluorescence assays, called IFA for short, are based on the fundamental work of the American physician Albert Hewett Coons in the early 1940s. The immunology pioneer was the first who conceptualized and developed various immunofluorescence techniques for the detection of antibodies. Since that time immunofluorescence techniques have been continually improved and methodically refined. Nowadays, indirect immunofluorescence assays still allow for cost-effective and high-quality medical diagnosis, including autoimmune disease diagnostics.

