Optical Surface Ltd’s Portable Reflective Collimators Deliver Top Performance

25 Mar 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Optical Surfaces Ltd's comprehensive range of fully enclosed pre-aligned reflective collimators uniquely combine portability and operational convenience with top performance.

High stability and performance is achieved using a zero expansion off-axis parabola, manufactured to better than lambda/10 p-v surface accuracy. The optics within the instrument, are secured by the use of stress-free mounts and come pre-aligned in our laboratories for optimum performance. The off-axis design of Optical Surfaces reflective collimators produces no central obscuration thereby ensuring highly efficient transmission is obtained.

Reflective collimators are mirror assemblies that take divergent or convergent incoming light rays and produce parallel light output. They can be used to replicate a target at infinity without parallax. Reflective collimators can be used to calibrate other optical devices, to check if all elements are aligned on the optical axis, to set elements at proper focus, or to align two or more devices. OSL Relective Collimators are the optical system of choice for applications including MTF testing, optical resolution testing, star simulation, MRTD testing and boresight alignment and inspection.

The all-reflecting design of OSL Reflective Collimators is achromatic and with aluminium / magnesium fluoride coatings can operate from the UV to the infrared without adjustment. Using zero expansion glass mirror substrates OSL Reflective Collimators provide exceptional operational stability. Each system has an output port datum plane giving a defined distance to the focus. All Reflective Collimators provide a 20mm field ensuring full compatibility with standard black bodies.

A wide choice of options enables OSL Reflective Collimators to be tailored to suit your exact needs. For applications demanding the highest reflectivity and high damage threshold, ultra-hard dielectric, protected silver and gold laser coatings are available. For applications requiring operation over a wide temperature range athermalised Reflective Collimators can be supplied. Standard models include exit apertures of 100mm, 120mm, 150mm, 200mm, 240mm and 300mm. Customised systems can be supplied with larger field sizes, different output interfaces and platforms. Other options include reticle holders, lamphouses and black bodies.

Test interferogram and analysis, showing wavefront accuracy, focal length and working distance, are supplied with every Reflective Collimator supplied by Optical Surfaces Ltd. Optical Surfaces ISO 9001-2008 approved manufacturing facility provides the flexible resources to supply from single specialist requirements to OEM quantities.

