Optimised evaporator for Medicinal Chemistry

11 May 2006
Kerry Parker

The Model DD-4X from Genevac (www.genevac.com) is an affordable, high-performance centrifugal evaporator system designed to handle the wide range of sample types and formats encountered in Medicinal Chemistry laboratories.

Easily interchangeable rotors enable the Model DD-4X to productively handle a wide variety of sample formats including tubes, vials and microplates.

Difficult or sensitive samples are no problem to the Model DD-4X. Benefiting from a high performance Scroll pump, optimised evaporation chamber and powerful IR lamps the Model DD-4X is able to rapidly remove most routinely used solvents with ease - even higher boiling solvents such as DMSO and NMP. Efficient chamber cooling between runs is particularly useful to protect thermally sensitive samples when run immediately after higher boiling point solvents.

High condensing power and a large capacity waste solvent cold trap enable the Model DD-4X to offer the best overall solvent recovery, shortest run times and lowest condenser defrost times for a solvent evaporator in its price range. Together these factors ensure high productivity and maximum performance throughout the run.

Benefiting from an optimised layout and high quality electronics the Model DD-4X is very reliable and offers simple maintenance access, helping to extend system life and reduce the cost of ownership.

Further information on the Model DD-4X can be obtained by contacting Genevac on telephone +44-1473-240000 or email salesinfo@genevac.com

