Optimum Flow Smoothness for Microfluidic Applications

25 Aug 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The new Mitos P-Pump from Dolomite provides a pulseless liquid flow, using a precise pressure driven pumping mechanism. This pressure driven flow is ideal for microfluidic systems where a highly stable flow is required, including applications such as compartmentalised chemistry.

Dolomite has carried out a number of tests to compare the size consistency of droplets formed by the Mitos P-Pump with market leading syringe pumps. Droplets of water-in-oil were generated on a 100µm sized X-Junction, using each of the pump technologies. The droplet diameter from a continuous stream was measured using image analysis software. The resulting data demonstrated that the Mitos P-Pump provides a coefficient of variation in the droplet diameter of less than 0.6%, compared with 5.5% for the leading syringe pump. Its precise pressure-driven pumping mechanism delivers liquid with a smooth and even flow, whereas even the best motor drives and mechanics of a syringe pump have slight non-linearities, which cause unwanted pulsation. The Mitos P-Pump technology therefore provides the best solution for droplet formation applications.

To download the complete study, and for further information on the Mitos P-Pump as well as Dolomite’s portfolio of microfluidic products, including chips, connectors/interconnects, pumps, valves and flow sensors, please visit the Company article page link top right of this page.
