Oxford Biosystems offers two new products

27 Jun 2006

Measurement of oxidized LDL as a marker for lipid peroxidation - New data to ß-Defensin-2


This is important for you to know:

“ …the new oxLDL ELISA (Immundiagnostik) is more sensitive … this assay but not the competitive method confirmed the expected efficacy of PPARg-activation in decreasing oxidized LDL particles in the observed patient population. “

Pfützner A et al. (2005) Clinical Evaluation of a new ELISA method for determination of oxidized LDL particles – a potential marker for arterisclerotic risk in diabetes medllitus. Abstract of the 5th Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco (10.-12. November 2005)

ß-Defensin-2 ELISA

A recently published study from Langhorst J et al. (2006) presented preliminary data on human β-defensin-2 levels in faeces of patients with IBD and IBS (colon irritable).

They found:

Higher human b-defensin-2 levels in feces in active ulcerative colitis and ileal but not in colonic Crohn´s Disease compared to IBS”

Langghorst J et el. (2006) Higher Human Beta-Defensin 2 levels in feces in active Ulcerative Colitis and Ileal but not Colonic Crohn's disease compared to IBS. Suppl 2 to J Gastroenterol (4):Abstract A205, S1340 vorgestellt bei 107th Annual Meeting of AGA, May 20-25, 2006, Los Angeles

If you are interested in these publications please contact us at the article webpage.

