Oxoid Extends Range for Identification of Medically Important Yeasts

6 Sept 2007

Oxoid, a world leader in microbiology, has announced the extension of its wide range of products for the growth and identification of yeasts and moulds to include the Remel RapID™ Yeast Plus identification panel. RapID Yeast Plus provides rapid biochemical identification of medically important yeasts and yeast-like organisms in just 4 hours.

Most yeast infections are localised and can be treated easily with topical applications. However, in vulnerable patients, such as those with lowered immunity, severe yeast infections can lead to life-threatening invasive disease. In such instances, it is extremely important to identify the micro-organism responsible in order to ensure the prompt administration of effective antimicrobial therapy.

The RapID Yeast Plus panel incorporates a series of carefully selected biochemical tests directed towards this group of organisms. Unlike some alternative methods, this test is not dependent on the growth of the organisms but detects specific constitutive enzymes. As a result, the panel can be incubated aerobically (for only 4 hours) without the need for an oil overlay, saving on both time and materials. Furthermore, the novel, one-step, inoculation method allows all of the test wells to be inoculated simultaneously, simplifying the procedure and allowing further time savings.

Results are based on easy-to-read colour reactions, which are interpreted using the user-friendly, Windows®-based ERIC™ (Electronic RapID Compendium) software. This powerful package ranks identifications by probability (greater than 95% probability is required for identification), ensuring excellent accuracy and reliability.

RapID Yeast Plus joins a wide selection of culture media and identification products for yeasts and moulds available from Oxoid, including Oxoid Chromogenic Candida Agar for the rapid identification of clinically important Candida species. This selective differential medium utilises two chromogens to differentiate C. albicans colonies (green) from colonies of C. tropicalis (dark blue), C. krusei (pink brown) and other important Candida species (beige, yellow and brown) in a single incubation.

The range also includes O.B.I.S. albicans, a ready-to-use, rapid colorimetric tests for the differentiation of Candida albicans from other Candida spp. and related organisms.

Julie Elston, clinical applications manager, Oxoid, commented, “The products available from Oxoid for the identification of yeasts ensure the rapid differentiation and identification of important human pathogens. These products provide fast answers that help physicians to make prompt and informed decisions about the care and treatment of patients.”

