Panasonic ULT Freezers Ensure Sample Security for LifeLines Healthy Aging Study in Groningen
29 Apr 2013
Panasonic Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) freezers are making a real impact on sample security at the LifeLines project, a large-scale genetic study of healthy aging being run in the Dutch provinces of Groningen, Friesland en Drenthe. The project was set up in 2006 and involves approximately 165,000 participants across three generations. Keeping potentially irreplaceable material secure and viable for future analysis is critical, and storage at the LifeLines project involves millions of biological samples, all of which must be maintained for long periods. The innovative technology in Panasonic ULT freezers, supported by Panasonic’s dedicated customer service, is ensuring the excellent storage reliability and efficiency required for the smooth running of the study.
“I have always worked with Panasonic freezers and found them to have the ultimate in reliability, and therefore recommended their use,” said Mr Jacko Duker, procesmanager at the LifeLines Project. “And after a series of tests to determine cost efficiency, reliability, and security across a number of models, their ultra-low temperature freezers were selected as the winners within the EU-tender for use in our facility. They proved that they are reliable and accurate enough to ensure secure sample storage over a long period of time, which is exactly what we were looking for within the LifeLines facility.”
Advanced microprocessor controls within the selected freezers constantly monitor function, including system and ambient conditions. With comprehensive setpoint, alarm, monitoring and diagnostic functions all taking place, every aspect of the freezer environment is continuously checked to ensure samples remain secure. If a fault or abnormality should ever occur, extensive audio-visual alarms and remote alarm contacts ensure that the user is alerted straight away. If it is not possible for Panasonic customer service to effect a repair immediately on-site, a back-up storage system can be quickly provided.
Panasonic Biomedical Sales Europe BV is dedicated to life science solutions based on end-user needs. Its constantly developing product range includes an array of laboratory equipment featuring industry-leading technology, controls, construction and performance.