Parallel Low Temperature Reaction Station

19 Dec 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Asynt’s DrySyn® COOL systems provide controlled cooling for chemistry at or below ambient without the need for jacketed reaction vessels or ice baths. The DrySyn Multi COOL takes up to 3 flasks from 25ml to 100ml and combined with a suitable chiller/circulator and a standard magnetic stirrer gives a low-cost, compact reaction station with accurate temperature control down to –30°C.

The traditional ice bath requires constant user attention and is subject to temperature fluctuations, whereas the long term, controlled performance of the DrySyn Multi COOL means that overnight runs - and indeed over-lunch runs - can be performed with complete confidence. In addition to cooling, the Multi COOL can heat to up to 150°C depending on the circulator system and fluids used. With careful choice of circulator the chemist can choose to control temperature ramping and also ensure that exothermic reactions can be dealt with automatically.

Low temperatures often mean higher viscosities, requiring more powerful stirring than can be achieved with magnetic stirring. As an alternative to magnetic stirring, the Vortex COOL stirrer system converts a single overhead stirrer into a powerful 3 position parallel stirrer that complements the DrySyn Multi COOL. An independent evaluation at the University of Huddersfield reported that: “….the Vortex system constitutes a useful addition for any laboratory conducting parallel synthesis, minimising both the necessary laboratory footprint required and reducing the cost significantly by replacing three overhead stirrers with one.” Overhead stirring has the additional benefit that the grinding effects that can occur with magnetic stirrers on solids, especially crystals, are largely eliminated.

The very popular DrySyn range of laboratory heating and cooling blocks provides efficient, safe temperature control for reaction flasks from 10ml to 5000ml. Over 20,000 have been supplied world wide in only three years.

The DrySyn Multi concept was developed in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry at Cambridge University.

