Peak Scientific Announces Launch of New i-FlowLab High-Purity Nitrogen Solution at Pittcon 2015

2 Mar 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

The new i-FlowLab from Peak Scientific promises to deliver a total solution for on-site generation of nitrogen gas, delivering a continuous and consistent supply of high-purity nitrogen at required pressure and flow rates required to meet the full and varied demands of your laboratory or research facility.

Engineered around PSA technology, i-FlowLab is available in various pre-configured specifications to suit specific flow and purity demands. A single i-FlowLab generator installation can provide nitrogen at flow rates from 35LPM-3386LPM purities are specified at time of system design to meet the needs of the application up to 99.999%*.Thanks to the expandable design, additional CMS column banks can be added to each i-FlowLab generator after installation to increase maximum flow rate.

The streamlined, compact footprint design of the i-FlowLab system allows far more efficient use of available space, in comparison to bulk tanks, large quantities of dewars or pressurized cylinders. Additionally it promises to remove the uncertainties, administrative hassle and volatile on-going costs associated with delivered gas supply, as well as being safe and practical – minimizing potential health & safety concerns.

In addition to the i-FlowLab generator, Peak Scientific also provides a complete self-contained pre-filtration package, in the form of Peak Pure Air, along with necessary ancillary tanks tailored specifically to meet the requirement of your facility. All that’s required is the provision of a suitably powered air compressor, which can be specified separately if not already available on-site. Peak’s team can a fully project managed solution or design, installation and commissioning to ensure the best result is provided to ensure maximum efficiency in nitrogen supply and energy efficiency.

For a safer, more reliable and hassle-free nitrogen supply for your laboratory that makes long-term economic sense, i-FlowLab from Peak Scientific is the perfect solution.

Visit booth 3374 to discuss your gas generation needs, no matter the size big or small Peak Scientific can offer a solution for your laboratory.

*depending on model

