Pentra SAfe launched by HORIBA Medical for POC haematology

12 May 2009
Kerry Parker

HORIBA Medical has launched Pentra SAfe to provide secure and remote access to its highly cost-effective bench top haematology analyser, the ABX Pentra 60 C+. Since this compact analyser is frequently used within Point-of-Care (POC) environments, such as A&E, clinics, healthcare centres and community hospitals, it is essential for CPA accreditation and patient safety purposes that password protection and full audit trails are available. Although CPA accreditation for POC testing is not yet mandatory, it is expected that it soon will be.

In line with CPA requirements, the Pentra SAfe solution provides a full audit trail of all personnel who have used the ABX Pentra 60C+ and the results they have obtained. This is possible since this desktop secure access solution requires a username and password to access the analyser’s operating system. By only assigning a password to fully trained personnel, POC Managers can monitor the competency of individual users in a POC location to guarantee quality of results and ultimately the safety of patients.

In addition to the password functionality of Pentra SAfe, which locks the analyser’s screen after it has been idle for a user defined time period, the new solution also enables fully secure remote access for POC Managers to all ABX Pentra 60C+ analysers under their supervision. Remote bidirectional access functionality means the Manager can access all files and run the analyser as if they were in front of it, except for physically loading samples. This means they can monitor in real time performance of users, patient results, reagent levels, instigate a cleaning cycle and even monitor the Quality Control performance of the system as required.

In addition to its small footprint, the outstanding technical capabilities providing consistently good-quality and accurate results are what make the ABX Pentra 60C+ an ideal analyser for satellite or smaller laboratories and clinics, as well as being used as a competent back-up system in larger laboratories. The ABX Pentra 60 C+ can process up to 60 samples an hour and is able to provide five-part differential analysis (DIFF), including atypical lymphocytes and large immature cells.

