PerkinElmer Announces New High-Throughput Screening Offerings at LabAutomation 2008

28 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences, a global leader in life science research, drug discovery and cellular science, today announced several high-throughput product technologies and a new consultative approach to optimizing laboratory automation, that focus on improving labs’ application flexibility, efficiency, and robustness at LabAutomation 2008, Jan. 27-30, Palm Springs, Calif., booth #427.

“Clinical and drug discovery research is moving at such an accelerated pace that our new technologies and services have been developed to optimize lab performance through high-throughput screening (HTS), and greater instrument flexibility and automation,” said Dr. Richard Eglen, President, Molecular Medicine, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences.

Providing Greater Application Flexibility with EnVision® Microplate Reader with Monochromator Option
PerkinElmer has introduced technology advancements that optimize instrument performance by integrating filter-based and monochromator-based platforms in its established EnVision microplate reader product line. The dual-system platform lets researchers choose their high-throughput detection method, and provides faster assay turnaround. The new monochromator option is available in two formats: the Absorbance Monochromator measures absorbance assays with a single monochromator, while the Fluorescence Intensity Monochromator measures absorbance and fluorescence intensity with a high performance quad monochromator package. The monochromator option is part of a highly flexible instrument system. It can be combined with other EnVision options, including the TRF (time-resolved fluorescence) LASER; can easily be integrated into robotic systems; and can accept microplates up to 3456 wells.

Powerful Functionality in a Smaller Footprint with LumiLux® CS Cellular Luminescence Platform
As a complement to the current LumiLux Cellular Screening Platform, PerkinElmer has announced the new LumiLux CS Cellular Luminescence platform, a compact design that preserves the exceptional performance and sensitivity of the current LumiLux platform. The much smaller footprint saves valuable space in crowded labs, and meets the increased demand of HTS labs switching from kinetic fluorescence to flash luminescence technologies. The compact design allows for standalone operation for lower throughput applications or integration into new or existing robotic platforms for HTS screening. The LumiLux platforms are the only dedicated flash luminescence instruments that enable simultaneous 1536 “inject and read” flash luminescence assays, allowing laboratories to produce over 200,000 data points per day.

Rapid Automation Platform Development with Integration Solutions Services
PerkinElmer has introduced an enhanced consultative business approach to address the customers need for a unique and customized automated solution. The Integration Solutions service deploys PerkinElmer’s extensive expertise in liquid handling, robotics, detection, software and reagent chemistries to partner with our customers for development of application solutions, assay validation, systems integration, engineering services and new product development.

“PerkinElmer has the reagent, detection and automation experience and the resources to be a critical partner for customers looking for an automation solution that meets their specific application requirements,” said Nance Hall, Vice President of Automation and Detection Solutions at PerkinElmer. “The Integration Solutions approach addresses applications in life science, clinical research, and analytical sciences, utilizing core technologies and flexible platforms such as the JANUS® Automated Workstation and the EnVision and Victor™ microplate readers.”

Greater Efficiency and Error Reduction with New High-Throughput Microplates
PerkinElmer introduced 20 new high-throughput microplates. The OptiPlate™, CulturPlate™, SpectraPlate™ 1536-well models have an exclusive, innovative plate height of 14.35 mm and the same overall dimensions as 94- and 384-well plates. The new microplates provide for a single automation protocol, which can result in reduced error since no adjustment is required when 96- and 384-well plates are changed to 1536-well plates. The new plates also have a wider gripping area for smoother robotic operations.

Another new microplate design, a light-gray AlphaPlate™, was developed for the AlphaScreen® and AlphaLISA™ biomarker detection assays. Preliminary tests have shown that the AlphaPlate can significantly reduce crosstalk when compared to standard white microplates, and provides for enhanced precision in chemiluminescence, with greater sensitivity.

