22 May 2006

PerkinElmer, Inc. (NYSE: PKI), a global leader in Health Sciences and Photonics, announced today a long-term supplier and co-marketing agreement that combines PerkinElmer’s versatile AlphaScreen® assay technology with TGR BioSciences’ SureFire™ ERK (Extracellular signal-Related Kinase) assay kits.

The collaboration combines two highly advanced technologies that, together, enable researchers to easily screen GPCR (G-Protein Coupled Receptor) activation in whole cells, through homogeneous non-radioactive measurement of phospho-ERK1/2 in whole cell lysates.

The new AlphaScreen SureFire ERK assay can be used with any cell line, including primary cells, and offers a novel method for primary and secondary screening of the toughest GPCR targets, including those not optimally coupled through the calcium or cAMP pathways. As a result of its extremely high sensitivity, this new assay can be used with cells over-expressing cloned targets or with cells expressing physiologically relevant endogenous levels of receptor target. And unlike other proximity-based technologies, AlphaScreen beads can be up to 200nm apart, allowing for the detection of very simple to very complex biological interactions and substrates of almost any size.

"Combining our highly sensitive AlphaScreen technology with TGR’s SureFire cellular ERK assay takes GPCR screening to a previously unrealized level, particularly with high-interest, but traditionally challenging targets such as Gaq- and Gai-coupled GPCRs," said said Ken King, vice president and general manager, Molecular Medicine, for PerkinElmer’s Life and Analytical Sciences division. "The addition of the AlphaScreen SureFire ERK assay expands PerkinElmer’s robust offering in the field of cell-based functional GPCR screening and furthers our commitment to build the most innovative tools for today’s high throughput screening (HTS) labs."

Because it provides an excellent tool for assaying the very important GPCR target class without the artifacts normally associated with fluorescent detection of calcium or with luciferase gene reporter-based assays, the AlphaScreen SureFire ERK assay is ideally suited for secondary screening applications. The AlphaScreen SureFire ERK assay is just one of the many useful applications built on PerkinElmer’s HTS-proven AlphaScreen technology, which is easily scalable to 384- and 1536-well microplate formats.

"This important collaboration between the two companies will focus on streamlining the availability and technical support of these kits to customers around the world for both basic research and drug discovery," states Leanna Read, TGR BioSciences managing director.

