PerkinElmer Introduces Family of Advanced Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Analyzers for Radioactivity Detection

8 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences, a global leader in life science research, drug discovery and cellular science, launched a new family of Tri-Carb® liquid scintillation analyzers (LSAs), essential instruments for academic, drug discovery, environmental and government researchers who require radiometric detection. A major step forward in automated sample tracking, the new family of Tri-Carb LSAs features a barcode reader system, an industry first in liquid scintillation analyzers.

“The advanced barcode reader technology integrated into the new Tri-Carb LSAs reduces errors in sample tracking and improves lab efficiency with enhanced sample screening and post-processing data analysis capabilities,” said Dr. Richard Eglen, President, Molecular Medicine, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. “In addition, our patented and proven time-resolved liquid scintillation counting (TR-LSC®) technology reduces electronic background, thereby increasing radioactivity detection sensitivity.”

Research labs use liquid scintillation analysis as an essential measurement tool for applications that require radioisotope tracers. With these new product technology innovations, researchers can screen against a target contaminant threshold and track thousands of samples taken each day with greater confidence in data accuracy and integrity. The new family of Tri-Carb LSAs will bring productivity improvements to a broad array of customers and application areas − from nuclear power plants that monitor for tritium levels in water produced by reactors; to homeland security facilities that screen urine and food in the event of contamination; to academic institutions that maintain active radiation safety programs.

The Tri-Carb LSA is available in four models, from basic to advanced capabilities, and offers capacity for add-on options:
• The 2810 base model is designed for a wide range of basic research applications
• The 2910 offers greater throughput and enhanced features, including extra protocol capacity, Replay sample recall and reprocessing and single/dual color-corrected DPM
• The 3110 provides many standard features including high sensitivity count mode, sample preview and region optimization
• The 3180 fully loaded model provides the highest sensitivity counting and is especially well-suited for environmental analysis

