PerkinElmer Launches New Assay Development Service for Homogenous ELISA Conversions

17 Apr 2007

PerkinElmer, Inc., a global leader in Health Sciences and Photonics, has developed a highly-sensitive, homogenous (no-wash) AlphaLISA™ assay for analysis of a wide range of biomarkers and other analytes commonly measured in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical research and development and pre-clinical studies in drug discovery.

The company has also launched an assay development service to facilitate traditional Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) conversion to this new enabling technology. This service is the first of several planned in a comprehensive approach to assay development for key drug discovery targets.

AlphaLISA assays are especially designed for custom applications requiring the detection of low abundance or proprietary biomarkers and biological therapeutics for which no commercial assay kits are available or are incompatible with complex samples such as serum or plasma. The AlphaLISA technology also offers pharmaceutical laboratories an automated solution for screening common analytes in a high-throughput format.

“Classical ELISA assays have always required many cumbersome wash-steps which not only take more time and effort on the part of the lab personnel, but the washing can also interfere in the analyte detection and introduce variability into the results,” said Richard Eglen, vice president and general manager of the Discovery and Research Reagents business of PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. “By offering a homogenous alternative to ELISA, labs can easily automate these assays for greater productivity and throughput while achieving higher sensitivity and therefore more accurate, relevant data.”

For laboratories interested in upgrading to this new assay technology, the PerkinElmer scientific team offers a flexible, customized assay development service to facilitate a virtually seamless conversion. Following a consultation with the laboratory, PerkinElmer assay development typically takes two to four weeks. Subsequently training, assay transfer and validation at the customer site are supported by expert scientists.

