PerkinElmer to Showcase Workflow Solutions at SLAS2017

30 Jan 2017
Emily Adam
Publishing / Media

PerkinElmer is a leading provider of screening solutions - from reagents, instruments to data analytics. At SLAS 2017, PerkinElmer will showcase the end to end screening workflow solutions to support high throughput as well as phenotypic screening.

PerkinElmer will also showcase the newest addition to PerkinElmer Signals™ Platform - PerkinElmer Signals™ for Screening - which enable screening scientists to integrate, search, retrieve, and manage data from anywhere, inside or outside the firewall – fostering collaboration, increasing efficiencies, and enabling faster processing of ever-larger volumes of compounds.

  • PerkinElmer Signals for Screening offers Out-of-the-box support for High-content screening and other plate-based screening data for easy search, aggregation, and analysis across screening results.
  • The platform can be configured quickly and easily. Apps can be combined to protocols; protocols can be saved and shared between users.
  • Fully scalable image and data analysis on high performance computing in the cloud. Support for all screening and imaging techniques and guaranteed expansion to future platforms.
  • TIBCO Spotfire® extensions and templates for Principal Component Analysis, QC, Normalization, Machine Learning, Multivariate Analysis, Hit Stratification, Profiling, SAR, and other downstream biological analysis.

PerkinElmer will be showcasing their new screening tools and informatics technologies at the following presentations and workflows:

  • App Store and High Performance Computing for High Content Screening
    • Monday February 6, 2017 at 4.30pm to 5pm (Room: 147AB)
  • From patient to drug: Developing new drug strategies for patient profiles with text analytics and literature mining.
    • Tuesday February 7, 2017 at 4.30pm to 5pm (Room: 140AB)
  • Automating High Throughput Genomic & Phenotypic Analysis Workflows.
    • Tuesday February 7, 2017 at 12.30pm to 2.30pm (Room: 144C)

Learn more about how PerkinElmer Signals for Screening platform can help you cut down screening data analytics time from months to minutes!

For Additional Information, contact PerkinElmer at

