22 May 2006

PerkinElmer, Inc., a global technology leader in Health Sciences and Photonics, announced today that it has launched the AlphaScreen® PhosphoSensor™, a new antibody-free kinase research technology platform.

This novel non-radioactive assay will now allow researchers to perform direct measurements of kinase activities on full-length protein substrates where no antibody is available. This is important for drug discovery researchers involved in the identification, validation and preliminary characterization of any new kinases. Kinases play a key role in the regulation of most critical cellular processes and are one of the most important pharmaceutical targets in a number of diseases, such as cancer, inflammatory and metabolic disorders.

"In order to directly measure the phosphorylation of kinase substrates without antibodies or radioactivity, researchers have been restricted to small peptide fragments. Now, using the new AlphaScreen PhosphoSensor technology, scientists can directly measure the phosphorylation of large protein substrates with high sensitivity and accuracy, and without radioactivity," said Ken King, vice president and general manager, Molecular Medicine, for PerkinElmer’s Life and Analytical Sciences division.

One of the 21st century’s most important medical research endeavors, the Human Genome Project, revealed that there are more than 500 unique genes encoding kinases, most of which do not have a known substrate and therefore no available antibody. Known as orphan kinase genes, more than 90 percent of this important group encodes serine kinases. AlphaScreen PhosphoSensor was developed to address market demand from the world’s drug discovery labs for a non-radioactive, antibody-free, homogeneous assay solution for screening these orphan kinases.

New AlphaScreen PhosphoSensor complements other proprietary technologies such as LANCE™, FlashPlates™, and EasyLite Kinase™, adding another enabling kinase research tool to PerkElmer’s extensive offering. If you would like to learn more about AlphaScreen PhosphoSensor or any of PerkinElmer’s other kinase offerings, please visit the article webpage.

