Pesticide residue analysis in cannabis: Method fundamentals and confirmation strategies

Join this webinar to learn all about critical method criteria for pesticide testing in cannabis

4 Oct 2020
Sophie Ball
Publishing / Media
Julie Kowalksi, cannabis and hemp consultant at JA Kowalski Science Support, LLC

Pesticide residue testing is challenging but even more so when testing pesticides in cannabis. It can be hard to know where to start with method fundamentals but luckily, the chemical contaminants community has developed excellent guidelines that can be used.

It is important to understand the fundamental criteria for basic method development and establishing a truly robust method can help mitigate long term problems and add confidence to results.

Establishing a truly robust method can help mitigate long term problems and add confidence to results. It can be stressful to tell a client that their sample tested positive for pesticides especially if it failed regulatory requirements. In the cannabis market, this situation will often prompt questions about the validity of the results. In addition to suitable method criteria, confirmation strategies can be employed to verify results and reassure clients.

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Key learning objectives:

In these two webinar sessions, Julie Kowalksi, a cannabis and hemp consultant at JA Kowalski Science Support, LLC, will discuss confirmation method strategies including examples that demonstrate the importance of using confirmation testing.

Attend session 1 on Wednesday, October 28 at:

  • 15:00 GMT
  • 11:00 EDT
  • 08:00 PDT
  • 16:00 CET

Attend session 2 on Wednesday, October 28 at:

  • 19:00 GMT
  • 15:00 EDT
  • 12:00 PDT
  • 20:00 CET

Who should attend?

  • Cannabis lab technical staff and method developers

Find out more on this topic by registering to watch the full webinar>>

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