PharmaDiagnostics Voted the ELRIG Technology Prize at Drug Discovery 2010

25 Oct 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

PharmaDiagnostics NV announces that it has again won first prize for the most innovative technology at Drug Discovery 2010 Coventry, September 2010, for the SoPRano technology platform.

This is the second time in a row SoPRano has received industry acclaim at an ELRIG event. The company also won first prize at ELRIG’s Liquid Handling & Label Free Technologies show held in the UK earlier this year. The ELRIG Technology Prize is awarded at each ELRIG show for the best technology on show. It is voted for by the delegates, in a free-vote made via their feedback forms.

“Winning this prize for the second time in a row shows that SoPRano’s appeal to knowledgeable industry and academic experts is real and ongoing,” said Dr David Ricketts, CEO at PharmaDiagnostics. “SoPRano was chosen from a large range of technologies/vendors, including label-free instrument providers, many of whom have well established technologies. Our two successive wins demonstrate the high level of market interest and market demand for a label-free platform that requires no expensive instrumentation, and offers high throughput – truly the next generation in label-free screening.”

“The ELRIG Technology Prize has become a much coveted prize at ELRIG organized conferences, as the vote is entirely composed by delegates who are from a broad span of the industry including senior representatives,” said Dermot Boylan, ELRIG’s General Manager. “Delegates are often confronted with a wide range of differing technologies at the show. To win the prize, you need to impress a variety of delegates with differing interests. To win the prize for the second time in a row is as yet unparalleled."

ELRIG (European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group) is a not for profit organization whose primary purpose is to provide a communication forum for users and vendors within the scientific research, development or production community (industrial and academic) with the aim of increasing their awareness of automation techniques and products used for scientific research, development or production.

