PharmaFluidics announces ultra-sensitive second generation µPAC™ technology for unbiased single-cell proteomics

18 Feb 2021
Meg Hicks
Student / Graduate

PharmaFluidics has announced that researchers of Karl Mechtler’s Group at the Research Institute for Molecular Pathology in Vienna have integrated its ultra-sensitive second generation µPAC™ micro-Chip technology as a key enabler in their advanced Single Cell Proteomics workflow.

A newly published joint study available on bioRxiv discloses a 10-fold increase in detection sensitivity, achieved using PharmaFluidics’ second generation µPAC™ technology in an optimized workflow, as compared to previous reports.

Key results include untargeted and unbiased analysis achieving identification depth of over 2,000 protein groups from as little as 500 picogram of HeLa tryptic digest.

“The microstructured and extremely reproducible µPAC™ microfluidic devices are conducive to the generation of high-quality data. With the further downscaling of the critical dimensions in our second-generation technology from 2,5 µm to 1,25 µm, we are now definitely opening a new league in proteomics LC, as indicated by the order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity for limited sample workflows” Paul Jacobs, co-founder and COO at PharmaFluidics commented.

“We are grateful to IMP researchers for bringing PharmaFluidics’ technology to the forefront of protein biology, and to our own staff for relentless support to their fellow-scientists”, added Johan Devenyns, CEO.

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