Phenomenex Introduce New Yarra<sup>®</sup> 1.8µm SEC-X300 Columns

UHPLC size exclusion column delivers increased separation of high molecular weight biomolecules

23 Aug 2016
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Phenomenex Inc. introduces Yarra 1.8µm SEC-X300 – a high-resolution gel filtration (GFC)/aqueous size-exclusion (SEC) column for the separation of high molecular weight (HMW) biomolecules on HPLC and UHPLC systems.

With a wide separation range of 10K to 700KDa and high efficiency, SEC-X300 is ideal for separating and characterizing monoclonal antibody (mAb) aggregates, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) and biosimilars in drug discovery and development research. The HMW focus of the SEC-X300 complements the low molecular weight range (1K-450KDa) of the existing Yarra 1.8µm SEC-X150 column, providing two versatile separation tools for biopharmaceutical research. The proprietary Yarra surface chemistry, combined with bio-inert column hardware, reduces sample adsorption compared to other GFC/SEC columns currently on the market, providing improved recovery and more accurate quantitation of biomolecules at a lower price point. The SEC-X150 and -X300 media are both now available in 150 and 300 mm column lengths, for analytical flexibility to increase speed or further increase resolution.

Because Yarra SEC-X150 and -X300 columns typically operate at backpressures below 3,500 psi on traditional HPLC and UHPLC systems, they can deliver improved performance (greater resolution, better peak shape and faster analysis time) compared to existing 3µm and 5µm GFC/SEC column methods. Designed and manufactured for stability, reproducibility and long product life, all Yarra phases are supported by a superior product quality and performance guarantee.

“Yarra 1.8µm SEC-X300 and -X150 were expertly developed and fine-tuned to offer our customers a wider applicability for popular biomolecule separations such as mAb fragmentation and ADC characterization,” explained Simon Lomas, strategic marketing manager for Phenomenex. “Our new Yarra SEC-X150 and -X300 columns additionally feature greater media and hardware inertness to overcome sample adsorption.”

