Phire™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase from Finnzymes – Speed and specificity for routine and high-throughput PCR

11 Mar 2008

Finnzymes has launched a novel hot start DNA polymerase that outperforms every Taq-based hot start polymerase on the market.

Phire Hot Start DNA Polymerase incorporates a DNA-binding domain, a design that results in shorter extension times, improved yields, and 2-fold increased fidelity compared to Taq polymerase. In addition, our unique hot start technology allows complete reactivation of Phire DNA Polymerase in “zero-time” at standard cycling temperatures. Finnzymes’ new hot start polymerase is an ideal solution for routine and high-throughput PCR applications.

Short protocols – Amplify 3 times faster than with hot start Taq
Specific products – Unique hot start technology with zero-time reactivation
High yields – Efficient PCR results in more product

