Physik Instrumente Offers More Affordable Version of M-663 Miniature Positioning Stage

14 Jul 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Precision positioning specialist PI (Physik Instrumente) releases a more affordable version of the M-663 piezo motor positioning stage for new applications where speed, repeatability and compact dimensions are critical, but nanometer resolution is not required.

The M-663 miniature positioner is based on a unique design concept. In the size of a matchbox it integrates a high-speed ceramic linear motor, a precision guiding system and an optical linear encoder. Previously only available with a 100 nanometer type encoder, the new additional model targets applications with micron level precision. This is sufficient for many applications in bio-technology, medical design and for the adjustment and assembly of small mechanical components. Providing a travel range of 18 mm, and acceleration of several G’s along with a very wide velocity range from microns/sec to 10 inches/sec, the M-663 is a truly versatile miniature positioning system.

Self-Locking Motor Provides Stability, Reduces Heat is Non-Magnetic and Vacuum Compatible
A significant benefit of the ceramic linear motor is its self-locking property, once a position has been reached. There is neither power required to hold a position nor heat generated resulting in excellent positional long term stability. Piezo ceramic motors are also not affected by magnetic fields and can be used, for example, in MRI equipment or high-energy physics experiments. Vacuum compatible versions are also available.

