PicoQuant Announces Short Course on "Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy"

27 Jun 2017
Abigail Berry
Administrator / Office Personnel

PicoQuant has announced the 15th European Short Course on "Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy", organized by PicoQuant in cooperation with Joseph R. Lakowicz from the Center for Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Baltimore, USA

Date and venue:

November 6-9, 2017

Berlin, Germany

Aims and purposes:

The course gives an in-depth introduction to the principles of fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications to the Life Sciences. Attendees are usually professionals who are using or intend to use fluorescence in their research. Most attendees have some knowledge of fluorescence, typically in a specialized area. However, also individuals from totally different research areas and from industry get the opportunity to enter this exciting field in a very effective way and will especially benefit from the experimental section.


The course consists of lectures and experimentations.

Topics covered:

  • Basics of fluorescence spectroscopy
  • Instrumentation and data analysis
  • Time-domain and frequency-domain measurements
  • Anisotropy
  • Solvent effects
  • Quenching
  • Foerster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
  • Fluorescence sensing
  • Fluorescence in biophysics
  • Plasmon controlled fluorescence
  • Material science

The practical sessions include steady-state and time-resolved experimentation as well as data analysis, performed on various instruments provided by Agilent and PicoQuant.

Course instructors

  • Joseph R. Lakowicz (Center for Fluorescence Spectroscopy, University of Maryland, USA)
  • Zygmunt "Karol" Gryczynski (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas Christian University, USA)
  • Rainer Erdmann, Felix Koberling, Matthias Patting, Michael Wahl (PicoQuant GmbH, Germany)

Registration and fees


Early bird fee until July 31, 2017: 700 Euro
August 1 until September 25, 2017: 850 Euro

Industry/Private Sector:

Early bird fee until July 31, 2017: 1400 Euro
August 1 until September 25, 2017: 1600 Euro

Deadline for registrations is September 25, register through their website.

More information about PicoQuant can be found here.

