PIKE Technologies Demonstrates FT-IR and UV-Vis Sampling Solutions at analytica 2014

17 Mar 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Join PIKE Technologies at Analytica this year in Hall A2, Booth 424 for a demonstration of accessories which provide FTIR and UV-Vis sampling solutions for the analysis of gas, solids, liquids, powders and films.

Explore the world of gas analysis with an inside look at the varied configurations of PIKE long- and short-path gas cells. Typical concentrations may range from percent to ppb levels. Long-path gas cells are used to analyze trace components in gas samples. These cells feature a folded path design providing an extended pathlength within a compact design. Fixed pathlength gas cells from 2.4 meter to 33.0 meter and a variable pathlength cell (1 - 16 m) are available. Gas cells may be configured for heating up to 200 ºC. Heating is often used to prevent condensation of specific components.

Also featured in their booth will be the GladiATR accessory with its innovative optical design providing high energy throughput, highest available pressure, and offering optional heating up to 300 ºC or liquid jacketed crystal plates for sub-ambient experiments. With a monolithic diamond and all-reflective optics, the spectral range spans from mid-IR into the far-IR. A Ge crystal configuration is also available for highly absorbing samples.

Test the superior analytical abilities of the PIKE Diamond MIRacle Single Reflection ATR. PIKE introduces the Match the Spectra Contest, enabling visitors to run a real-time sample in the MIRacle and if the spectrum produced matches one of the spectra posted in the booth, the conferee wins the corresponding prize. Prizes include a digital camera, tablet computers and colorful educational posters featuring basic FTIR sampling techniques.

For those interested in automated transmission or diffuse reflection sampling, PIKE will be showcasing the X, Y Autosampler, designed around standard 24, 48 or 96 well microplate architectures – ideal for high efficiency sample loading and FTIR/NIR analysis. Applications include high throughput analysis of liquid residues and chemical reactions, and powdered samples. Programming and control of the X, Y Autosampler is done through PIKE Technologies AutoPRO software, and is compatible with most FTIR systems.

PIKE Technologies, Inc. is located in Madison, Wisconsin. The company is a primary source for spectroscopy accessories worldwide. Products include attenuated total reflectance (ATR), diffuse reflectance, specular reflectance, integrating spheres, polarization, IR microscope, beam condensers, remote sensing, and a complete line of transmission sampling accessories. Many of these products are available with optional heating and automation for increased sampling speed and productivity.

PIKE also offers design and consulting services for development of specialized and custom products for a wide range of spectroscopy applications. PIKE products are compatible with all major brands of spectrometers.

