Plate CHAMELEON™, the most versatile plate reader gets even better

26 Mar 2007

The new model, Plate CHAMELEON V, includes major improvements in mechanics, optics and instrument control software, such as automation compatibility, built-in injectors, fluorescence detection range up to 850 nm and multi-label kinetics.

Plate CHAMELEON V includes a unique combination of up to six detection technologies to cover most of the micro-plate applications: Liquid Scintillation counting, Fluorescence Intensity, Time Resolved Fluorescence, Fluorescence Polarization, Luminescence and Absorbance. Ingenious optical design facilitates not only the broadest variety of applications, but also highest sensitivity in all detection modes.

This means that applications such as Scintillation Proximity Assay and Time-Resolved FRET assays or filter based scintillation assays and multi-wavelength luminescence assays can be performed on a single instrument. Plate CHAMELEON V delivers superior value for money.

For higher throughput the Plate CHAMELEON V is now available with microplate stacker. During SBS in Montreal in April Hidex will launch the microplate stacker. Please visit our booth # 322 to see more.

