Platelet Function Predicts Recurrent Cardiac Events

11 Jun 2006

Available from Sysmex UK, the Dade Behring PFA-100 analyser provides a simple, rapid and reliable method of testing platelet function, which can be used as part of a diagnostic screening process for inherited and acquired platelet disorders.

New research has demonstrated that the PFA-100 can be used to effectively predict recurrent events in cardiac patients in a range of clinical situations. These include platelet activation as a predictor of recurrent ischaemic events following angioplasty, and of myocardial damage in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Hyperactive platelets have been shown to be associated with major adverse events in patients with stable cardiovascular disease despite (platelet-inhibiting) aspirin therapy.

The PFA-100 is a compact benchtop analyser that performs high-shear platelet function measurements by recording the time taken for a platelet plug to form from whole blood, reported as Closure Time (CT). Samples are aspirated onto an aperture within a membrane coated with collagen and one of two additional agonists – ADP or adrenaline. The two types of agonist system are contained within two disposable cartridge formats and, unlike aggregation tests, measurements are quick and easy to perform.

In response to the increasing clinical and economic pressures to reduce platelet transfusions, it is important to be able to predict which patients may benefit from platelet transfusion post-surgery. Studies show that 80% of post-surgery high blood loss patients have abnormal PFA results, but when PFA tests are used to direct platelet transfusions, a 50% reduction in platelet usage can result.
