Portable, Cost Effective Flexible Film Isolator

4 Apr 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

The new Purair Flex from Air Science provides numerous performance advantages including:

More Volume
The Purair Flex Film Isolator features an innovative curved film design that provides more working volume.

Versatile Tapered Sleeve / Glove Options
Unlike other glove bags, the double O-ring design on the standard polyurethane cuffs allow users to quickly and easily change gloves to meet a variety of dexterity needs.

Easy Setup
Semi-rigid support rods make the Purair Flex easy to setup up and provides increased stability, even if the bag is not inflated to full pressure.

Safety Options
HEPA filter availability, Bag-in / Bag-out Port, and optional nitrogen purge inlet connections offer the reliability and safety today's analysts need.

The Purair Flex is 23.6" W x 24.6" D x 23.6" H.

