Powerful new tool to revolutionise immunotherapy

5 Jul 2006

Dynal, now part of Invitrogen Corporation, announced today the release of a new key research tool in its immunotherapy range - Dynabeads® ClinExVivo™ CD3/CD28. Using this cutting edge technology, researchers can isolate and collect T cells from immuno-compromised patients for ex vivo stimulation and expansion in a sterile environment.

In the US, Dynabeads® ClinExVivo™ CD3/CD28 are available for clinical applications only under an approved IND application.

Dynabeads® ClinExVivo™ CD3/CD28 superparamagnetic beads are designed with an optimised surface covered with primary CD3 and co-stimulatory CD28 antibodies. Following a short ex vivo incubation with the patient’s sample, the beads bind with the T cells. The beads and bound T cells are separated from the rest of the sample using the special Dynal ClinExVivo™MPC® magnet. Researchers thenstimulate and expand the T cells ex vivo with Dynabeads® ClinExVivo™ CD3/CD28 in a sterile environment prior to reintroduction to the patient. Boosted T cells, if reinfused, have the potential to strengthen the individual’s immune system to fight diseases, for example cancer and HIV.

According to International Product Manager, Erik Ruud, the new Dynabeads® ClinExVivo™ CD3/CD28 open a wide range of exciting possibilities: “Already this innovative technology has been used for several phase I/II trials in cancer patients. Data from studies using ex vivo manipulated T cells in cancer and vaccine therapy were recently presented at the International Society for Cell Therapy (ISCT) conference during a special symposium on “T Cell-based Immunotherapeutic Strategies.”

This technology has further potential in auto-immune diseases as well as gene and stem cell applications.

