Precision liquid handling

Validate the accuracy of your liquid handlers with actual experimental liquids

11 Apr 2023
Lawrence Howes
Editorial Assistant

Wouldn’t it be great if you could validate the accuracy of your liquid handler using a test liquid that has the same physical properties as your sample liquids? Existing methods, such as gravimetric or colorimetric are only compatible with aqueous or DMSO solutions, which may be thicker or thinner than your sample liquid and lead to errors.

The Checkit® Go from Next Advance has been designed to be a simple, easy-to-use microfluidic cartridge that utilizes surface forces and capillary action to draw liquid into 8 capillaries simultaneously. It directly measures the volumes of the dispensed liquids and does not depend on the physical properties of the liquids. The liquids can be drawn into the capillaries with or without any color added to them. However, to aid in reading the liquid menisci within the capillaries, Next Advance offer a dilute red dye that can be used as the test solution and a lyophilized red dye pellet that can be dissolved in the test solution.

When a red dye pellet is dissolved in solutions most commonly used with liquid handlers (glycerol, ethanol, DMSO, and biological fluids ranging in concentrations from 10 to 80%), the accuracy of the volumes of the reconstituted test solutions are dispensed into Checkit cartridges and confirmed to be compatible.

Checkit dye pellets and the CheckitGo cartridges allow you to validate your automated liquid handlers with a test liquid that reflects the physical properties of your sample liquid.

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