Preclinical Cardiac Safety Testing at SOT 2011

28 Feb 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

ChanTest will be featuring new services and strategies for highly predictive preclinical cardiac safety assessments at the Society of Toxicology meeting in Washington DC.

Thorough Preclinical Cardiac Safety Testing
Over-dependence on hERG results alone can terminate development of potentially useful compounds that may also act upon compensatory cardiac channels (e.g., voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+). Conversely, some hERG-negative compounds may actually pose a safety risk by interacting with other channels that prolong repolarization.

ChanTest’s Thorough Safety Package assays resolve cardiac safety assay discordances through the evaluation of multiple cardiac ion channels.

 fast, comprehensive cardiac safety assessment
 significantly lower costs compared to drug failure in the clinic
 complete compound performance data for IND submissions

Exhibitor Hosted Session
New Preclinical Assays for Improved Cardiac Safety Assessments
Date: Monday, March 7
Time: 3:30 PM–4:30 PM
Location: Room 156

Sudden cardiac death from non-cardiac drugs is the cardiac safety issue for regulatory agencies. Greater predictivity and insight can be achieved by augmenting traditional assessments with cardiac ion channel screens and assays using Stem Cell-derived Human Cardiomyocytes. Case reports that resolve discordances with the traditional S7B approach will be presented.

