Predesigned synthetic sgRNAs to streamline CRISPR gene editing workflows

Individual sgRNA and library collections expand Edit-R™ gene editing platform from Horizon Discovery

10 Dec 2019
Laura Sisman
Administrator / Office Personnel
Illustration of Cas9 nuclease programmed by the sgRNA complex cutting both strands of genomic DNA 5' of the PAM
Illustration of Cas9 nuclease programmed by the sgRNA complex cutting both strands of genomic DNA 5' of the PAM ©Horizon Discovery

Horizon Discovery has announced the addition of predesigned synthetic single-guide RNA (sgRNA) to its product range. The sgRNAs, available individually or as library collections, expand the Company’s Edit-R gene engineering platform which provides a convenient and accessible approach to successful CRISPR gene editing.

Using synthetic sgRNAs enables researchers to achieve reliable gene knockouts in even complex, difficult-to-edit cell types and experimental models. The synthetic sgRNAs have been designed using Horizon’s proprietary algorithm to maximize the likelihood of functionally knocking out the gene(s) of interest while minimizing off-target effects.

These predesigned synthetic sgRNAs, when paired with Cas9 mRNA or Cas9 protein, allow researchers to perform DNA-free gene editing in a new one-part format thereby streamlining their gene-editing workflows, without the potential for nuclease or guide integration into the cell’s genome. They can also be paired with expressed formats such as Cas9 integrated cell lines, which is ideal for high-throughput library screening.

The release of predesigned sgRNA expands Horizon’s Edit-R platform. Library collections of sgRNAs, from common gene families up to the entire genome, are available to support large-scale screening applications. The Company will continue to provide its CRISPR design tool, where customers can design custom guide RNA to edit a specific region within a DNA transcript or input their own guide RNA target sequence to generate ready-to-use sgRNA.

Ryan Donnelly, Product Manager, Horizon Discovery, said: “Previously, Horizon had only offered synthetic sgRNAs through the CRISPR Design tool. Providing predesigned synthetic sgRNAs guarantees editing the gene of interest, and gives researchers a more convenient option for gene knockout experiments. For those that require site-specific editing, are working in unique organisms, or use alternative editing nucleases; our CRISPR design tool is still available.”

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