Process up to 12 Western Blots Simultaneously with Precise Reproducibility

9 Oct 2014
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

The Precision Biosystems BlotCycler™ offers an automated system for performing western blots with high sensitivity and low background noise

“The functional simplicity of the BlotCycler™ design is convincing researchers that the time for automating their western blot assays is here,” says Russ Yukhananov, Ph.D., CEO of Precision Biosystems. BlotCycler™ delivers an affordable solution for busy labs demanding reproducible results. By reducing variables from slight variations in fluid delivery, timing and washing steps, researchers can achieve standardization with a repeatable automated process.

BlotCycler™ uses a simple and elegant design to perform up to 12 blots simultaneously. Researchers run samples using one or two different protocols at the same time, and continue using the same industry standard reagents and protocols.

“Scientists are saying they are surprised with how easily BlotCycler™ fits into their existing workflows and consistently delivers high quality results almost immediately,” says Dr. Yukhananov. “Many users who were skeptical about automating their western blot assays are now convinced it is the next big thing in life science research,” he added. BlotCycler™ technology is protected by four patents and currently has an additional patent pending.

BlotCycler™ automates blocking, primary and secondary antibody incubation, and all washing steps. The system is equipped with up to 6 trays, 3 trays on each side that can process 6 different primary and secondary antibodies. Researchers fill the BlotCycler™ containers with their antibodies and buffer solutions, add the blotting membranes, and set the blocking time from 10 minutes to 48 hours. The system maintains a shaking motion for consistent processing. When blots are removed the cleaning protocol employs a unique washing routine for thorough cleaning, contributing to assay reproducibility.

