Productive and safe removal of solvents...

7 Jan 2008

Genevac has announced that it has chosen LabAutomation 2008 in Palm Springs, CA (USA) to preview its innovative SampleGenie™ large volume sample pooling technology and to display a selection of its high performance evaporator systems.

Based on Booth 378, product specialists from Genevac will be available to discuss and propose solutions to optimally remove solvents from almost any sample safely and productively.

Available in 3 sizes (50ml, 125 ml and 300ml) the ingenious patented design of SampleGenie™ enables Genevac’s popular EZ-2 and HT series centrifugal evaporators to accelerate the pooling of multiple large volume fractions into a single small sample vial. For high-throughput applications including compound storage, drug development and environmental analysis, methods that can reduce analytical work are desirable. Pooling of fractions that contain a common analyte, to yield a single sample, saves time and is therefore highly desirable. Until SampleGenie - no commercial technology existed for pooling and concentrating large volume fractions.

Also on display from Genevac will be the popular EZ-2 personal evaporator and the high capacity, high-throughput HT-12X system. Genevac evaporator systems have many unique advanced technology features that ensure that your samples are dried in the fastest possible time while preserving sample integrity and purity.

