Progen Scientific Launches New Look Website

2 Apr 2007

Progen Scientific Limited launches a new look website from April 1st 2007 to provide improved functionality and customer satisfaction.

Over recent years Progen Scientific has continually developed the company website to provide an effective site that allows customers to quickly identify the products that meet the individual needs. From 1st April the website will be improved even further with a major update. Key to this update will be the introduction of a number of industry and application pages. These pages are designed to highlight the key products that the particular user will be interested in and contains hotlinks to key products. The application and industry pages include:


  • Petrochemical industry
  • Agricultural & Pesticides industry
  • Hospital Pathology Industry
  • School Science
  • Chemical Industry
  • Forensic Laboratories


  • Life Sciences
  • Biology
  • Quality Control
  • Biotechnology
  • General Science

Each page links quickly to our customer service information and links to our dedicated site for ordering key items, Progen Direct where we concentrate on the main items that can be ordered simply and without fuss.

