Promega Announces New Maxwell® 16 LEV Blood DNA Kit Designed to Purify DNA from Whole Blood

22 Apr 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The new kit, optimized to work on the Maxwell® 16 instrument, eliminates the need for a buffy coat step while providing exponentially higher concentration in less time with parallel purity. It also surpasses concentration standards in less time.

While manual buffy coat methods typically collect 20 percent of available DNA, the new Maxwell Blood automation system collects up to 80 percent. The performance is due to new particle technology that is optimized to pull the maximum DNA from every sample with comparable performance on purity.

"We were pleasantly surprised to find that much DNA in 300ul of blood," said Marie Ericsson, Molecular Technician at Advanced Diagnostics Laboratory in San Antonio, Texas, "We believe this kit will help labs that are conducting complex assays and having trouble achieving desired DNA yields."

The Maxwell 16 LEV Blood DNA Kit supports laboratories performing tests in genotyping and screening. The automation allows technicians to press a button and walk away to continue other tasks during purification. The straight forward process makes purification work much more accessible to the less experienced techs. Automation also avoids potential problems associated with contamination and inconsistency encountered using manual purification methods.

"HLA testing is becoming more complex and, as a result, the quantity and purity of DNA needed for these tests also evolves," said Michael Gautreaux, PhD., D.ABHI HLA Laboratory Director at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center "The Promega LEV Blood kit helps meet this need."

The new Maxwell 16 LEV Blood DNA Kit features a novel chemistry system provided in a convenient prepackaged format. With the addition of this kit, the Maxwell 16 System continues to provide the best combination of speed, purity, and yield available for nucleic acid purification. As with all Maxwell products, this latest offering includes pre-optimized purification protocols. With automation, sample processing times can go from hours to minutes.

The new kit, optimized to work on the Maxwell® 16 instrument, eliminates the need for a buffy coat step while providing exponentially higher concentration in less time with parallel purity. It also surpasses concentration standards in less time.

