Promega HaloTag® Protein Purification System Makes it Easier to Purify Difficult-to-Express Proteins

13 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The recently released Promega HaloTag® Protein Purification System addresses common problems associated with purification of recombinant proteins by enabling the delivery of soluble, functional recombinant target proteins at higher yield and purity. The HaloTag Protein Purification System consistently delivers soluble protein and outperforms the most commonly used protein tags like His6Tag, GST, and MBP.

Beta testers credited the HaloTag Protein Purification System as an exciting alternative for researchers working with difficult-to-express proteins. Specifically, testers noted that the simple, fast detection and ease-of-use of the HaloTag system solved many of the problems encountered with other expression methods that lead to low or no yield and poor purity.

The HaloTag protein is designed to be structurally compatible with fusion protein partners and delivers the following benefits:

• Superior solubility of proteins expressed in E. coli, compared to traditional affinity tags like His6Tag, GST, and MBP.
• Enhanced protein expression in multiple systems.
• Higher protein yield and purity. See scientific poster for specific references.

The HaloTag Protein Purification System is the latest addition to a suite of products that enables the study of protein function in both a biochemical and cellular environment using one genetic construct. The HaloTag technology is based on a unique protein tag which has been engineered from a bacterial dehalogenase to covalently attach to a set of synthetic ligands, such as fluorescent dyes, for cellular imaging applications or to resin and magnetic beads for protein interaction analysis applications.

