Promega introduces new HaloCHIP™ System

21 Oct 2007

Promega Corporation, a leading provider to the life sciences industry, announced the launch of its HaloCHIP™ System the first antibody-free alternative to chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP).

ChIP is a method used to determine where, in vivo, a given protein binds to DNA. The major challenge of the ChIP method is the requirement for highly specific antibodies for each protein to be tested. The HaloCHIP System is the first to work without the use of antibodies.

In addition to being antibody-free, HaloCHIP delivers results in less time than standard ChIP (2 days vs. 4 days). The HaloCHIP system also improves signal-to-noise ratios, enabling higher sensitivity for detection of even small changes in protein binding patterns from a reduced number of cells.

The HaloCHIP System is based on HaloTag® Technology from Promega. The HaloTag reporter protein has been engineered to form a covalent interaction with a series of specific ligands, including one for immobilization, HaloLink Resin. In HaloCHIP, DNA-binding proteins of interest are expressed in cells as HaloTag fusion proteins, crosslinked to DNA with formaldehyde, and then covalently captured on HaloLink Resin. After the captured complexes are rigorously washed to remove any non-specific interactions, crosslinks are reversed, and the specific DNA is released for downstream analysis.

HaloCHIP is the most recent addition to the Promega line of integrated tools for functional proteomics, which currently center on three proprietary technologies:

  • HaloTag Multifunctional Technology – based on the use of a single gene fusion construct for protein expression and purification, imaging, and immobilization applications.
  • TNT® Expression Systems – convenient, single-tube, coupled transcription/translation reactions for eukaryotic cell-free protein expression.
  • Flexi® Vector Systems – simple, yet powerful, directional cloning method for protein-coding sequences.

Commenting on the launch of HaloCHIP, Danette Hartzell, Promega R&D Scientist said: “The HaloCHIP System means that scientists no longer need to struggle to find the perfect antibody for their ChIP experiments. Since HaloCHIP is based on HaloTag Technology, researchers can easily run additional protein analysis applications, including cellular imaging and protein:protein interactions, using only one genetic construct. That yields both consistency and time savings.”

